
Connecting the world in real time
We are looking for engineers to develop TwitCasting

“Mobile,” “social,” and “real time” are the cornerstones of Moi Corporation’s goal to provide services that transform people’s lifestyles.
Our live stream service, “TwitCasting,” is changing the shape of the communication of young people throughout the world and is growing into a venue for a new kind of communication.
Won’t you join us in creating this service that is connecting people all over the world in real time?

Connecting the
 world in realtime

About Moi

Moi Corporation’s engineers are a select group with a high degree of professionalism.
They all are treated as adults with a sense of responsibility, and they employ an unprecedented degree of freedom in their work system based on trust.

Feature 01Discretionary Work System

Some of our employees come to work only 2-3 days per week, but this has not caused any problems whatsoever.

Feature 02Smoking Completely Prohibited

We aim for a smoke-free environment to match global standards.

Feature 03Free Control of Tools

Our employees may use any chair, PC, keyboard, monitor, etc., they like.

Feature 04Free Drinks, Free Snacks

All you can drink, all you can eat.

Job Category

Web Application Engineer

Main Responsibilities:
  • Improvement of TwitCasting's existing features
  • Development of TwitCasting's new features and/or a brand-new service
  • TwitCasting UI design and development
Programming Languages: PHP7, Go, TypeScript
Keywords: Docker, Redis, MariaDB, Elasticsearch, Slim Framework, Phalcon Framework, React+Redux, Vue.js
Tools for development: GitHub, Slack, esa, CircleCI, Sentry, IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, Visual Studio Code
Application Requirements:
  • Experience in developing web services
Preferential Candidate:
  • Has experience with team development in a variety of languages and environments
  • Pays attention to legacy systems
  • Understands the importance of tests
  • When writing code and creating Pull Requests, you are able to bear in mind that these will be read by others
  • A mindset towards attacking bugs, not placing blame on human action
  • A drive towards user satisfaction
  • Cat lover

iOS Engineer

Main Responsibilities:
  • Development of the TwitCasting iOS apps
  • Development of new iOS apps
Application Requirements:
  • Experience in developing native iOS apps
Preferred skills and experience:
  • Experience in planning, developing and maintaining iOS apps independently
  • Experience in UI/UX design
  • iOs standard library and framework know-how
  • Performance optimization know-how
Preferential Candidate:
  • Strives to identify and resolve user needs with apps
  • Enjoys thinking about ways to optimize UI to provide the ultimate user experience

Android Engineer

Main Responsibilities:
  • Development of the TwitCasting Android app
  • Development of new Android app
Application Requirements:
  • Experience in planning, developing and maintaining Android apps independently
Preferred skills and experience:
  • Experience in planning, developing and maintaining Android apps independently
  • Experience in UI/UX design
  • Knowledge of Android standard library and framework
  • Performance optimization know-how
Preferential Candidate:
  • Strives to identify and resolve user needs with apps
  • Enjoys thinking about ways to optimize UI to provide the ultimate user experience

Infrastructure Engineer

Main Responsibilities:
  • Design, implementation and operation of TwitCasting's backend system with system hardware selection
  • OS/middleware selection, function/benchmarking, and performance tuning
  • System proposals and improvements in co-ordination with service development engineers
  • Development of operation-critical server applications for such areas as service automation and service monitoring
  • Security management
Programming Languages: Shell Script, PHP, Python, Go
Keywords: Linux, Network Switch, Apache Web Server, Nginx, LVS, Memcached, Redis, MariaDB, Elasticsearch, AWS, Docker
Tools for development: GitHub, Slack, esa, CircleCI, Sentry, IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, Visual Studio Code
Application Requirements:
  • More than one year of experience/skills with Linux and networks
  • OSS database software (RDB,KVS) MariaDB, Redis, etc, know-how plus more than 1 year practical experience
Preferred skills and experience:
  • Experience in constructing and managing a web service in the 1 billion pageviews per month range
  • Deep knowledge in security overall
  • Linux kernel tuning skills, source code level know-how
Preferential Candidate:
  • Can make practical decisions in the system operation from a user's point of view
  • Can push for the implementation of the newest technology with a sense of curiosity in mind
  • Can carry out technological inspections (benchmark, tuning) and describe results systematically
  • Can challenge self by exploring as-yet-unknown fields of technology
  • Interested in a wide range of layers, from applications to networks

QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer

Main Responsibilities: TwitCasting test engineering duties
  • Test management for maintaining a uniform standard of quality from the design stage all the way to release
  • Development & operation of test automation tools
  • Planning and leading a project for improving test procedures and qualities
Application Requirements:
  • Experience in designing and managing test procedures for smartphone apps and web applications
  • Experience in implementing test automation procedures
Preferred skills and experience:
  • Prior involvement in planning, developing and testing smartphone apps
  • Quality control or test manager experience
  • Test tool selection and development experience
Preferential Candidate:
  • Hold the ability to test thoroughly with user experience in mind

Job Description

Open Positions
  • Web Application Engineer
  • iOS Engineer
  • Android Engineer
  • Infrastructure Engineer
  • QA (Quality Assurance) Engineer
Employment System Permanent Employee (Evaluation Period: 3 months, no changes will be made during this period)
Contract Period No fixed period after the trial period
Compensation Annual salary based on company policy, and dependent on the applicant's skills and experience
Work Location Bunkyo, Tokyo
Work Hours Flexible (basic work hours are 8 hours per day)
Vacation Days Two days a week/Public holidays/Paid vacation/Special leave
Insurance Full Social Insurance (Health Insurance, Welfare Annuity Insurance, Employment Insurance, Worker's Accident Insurance)
Other benefits Travel expenses fully compensated
Raise / Bonus Salary raise: based on yearly employee performance review
Bonus: based on company's performance
Other Salary raise: based on yearly employee performance review. Bonus: based on company's performance


To those who are interested in Moi Corporation

If you think, “At least I want to hear more, and talk to them,” don’t hesitate to apply through the following form.
We would like to tell you more about the other side of Moi Corporation and TwitCasting.

SNS accountsoptional
Job Categoryrequired
You are...required

Consent for our treatment of your personal information

The personal information you provide will be used for the purposes of employment screening and for us to contact you regarding the results of the employment screening.
The information you provide may be entrusted by us to a business operator with sufficient selection criteria in order for it to be stored and managed on the system. Except for this instance, your information will not be provided to any other third parties without your consent.
Regarding the personal information you provide, we can, at your request, provide purpose of use, and/or disclose, amend, append or delete the personal information and/or end its disclosure to a third party. Please contact us via the Personal Information Inquiry Desk below for any such requests. Please note that we cannot discuss reasons, etc. relating to the judgement results, so we ask that you remain aware of this when submitting your inquiry.

Personal Information Inquiry Desk
Moi Corporation
Personal Information Protection Manager Personal Information Protection Section Chief
Contact us:

  • ※Once you click submit your application will be completed and a confirmation email will be sent to you.
  • ※The personal information you provide will be utilized in accordance with our privacy policy.
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