San Francisco, CA — Moi Corporation announced today a contest to celebrate their rapidly approaching milestone of 100,000,000 Twitcasting live streams. All broadcasters who are live when the 100 million mark is reached will be entered in a drawing for $1000. There’s also a special prize of 100,000 points (which can be used for virtual goods) for the broadcaster who launches the 100 millionth live. The company’s live streaming counter passed 98 million Monday morning and the company expects the 100 million mark to be hit late this week . The Twitcasting live counter and contest details can be viewed at the Contest page.
Twitcasting was designed for broadcasting and real-time, open communications. It is unique in its ability to live stream in bad environments by dynamically adjusting to network quality and reducing its bandwidth requirements. Broadcasters can live stream and record without worrying about network quality issues and focus on building an audience. Viewers can communicate and share with broadcasters through comments, send gifts and even join the broadcast. The apps’ performance, simplicity and ease of use has helped to drive strong mobile growth, which is 95% of the user base.
Founder & CEO Yosuke Akamatsu and a small team of eight launched Twitcasting in 2010. Today, the user base exceeds 7.0 million users with 15,000 new sign-ups each day – and is spreading from Japan to the US, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Europe and around Asia. It’s a young user base, with 80% of the users under 24 years old. Some users simply enjoy sharing their lives with friends and followers, while other users have integrated live streaming into their careers. Entertainers like Grammy-award winning singer Ivete Sangalo and actor John Barrowman use Twitcasting to connect to their fans. Midia Ninja, an independent collective of citizen journalists, has adopted it to broadcast events from the front-line of Brazilian protests. A wide range of broadcasters, including talent agencies, politicians and reporters have found live streaming an easy, effective way to connect in real-time with their audience.
Moi Corporation, with offices in San Francisco and headquarters in Tokyo, Japan is the fast growing startup company responsible for Twitcasting, the largest live streaming community. Their service has grown to more than 7 million registered users in less than four years without any advertising. Learn more at Corporate page.
Moi Corporation
Yoski Akamatsu
Phone: (650) 492-5048
Fax: (815)301-9687
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